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The Card Validation Digits (CVD) value refers to the numbers appearing on the back of the credit card rather than the numbers imprinted on the front. It is an optional fraud prevention tool that enables merchants to verify data provided by the cardholder at transaction time. This data is submitted along with the transaction to the issuing bank, which provides a response indicating whether the data is a match.

The response that is received from CVD verification is intended to provide added security and fraud prevention, but the response itself does not affect the completion of a transaction. Upon receiving a response, the choice whether to proceed with a transaction is left entirely to the merchant. The response is not a strict guideline of which transaction will approve or decline.

Things to consider:

  • CVD is only supported by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, UnionPay and American Express.
  • When testing CVD or AVS, you must only use the Visa test card numbers 4242424242424242 or 4005554444444403, and the amounts described in the Simulator eFraud Response Codes Table
  • For a full list of possible AVS & CVD result codes refer to the CVD AVS Result Code table.

Note:Please be advised that CVD results will NOT be returned in the response for UnionPay.

Canada Code Sample

CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();



Security:The CVD value must only be passed to the payment gateway. Under no circumstances may it be stored for subsequent uses or displayed as part of the receipt information.

CvdInfo object mandatory values

CVDInfo object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
CVD indicator String 1-character numeric cvdCheck.setCvdIndicator("1"); cvdCheck.setCvdIndicator("1"); CVD presence indicator: 0: CVD value is deliberately bypassed or is not provided by the merchant.
1: CVD value is present.
2: CVD value is on the card, but is illegible.
9: Cardholder states that the card has no CVD imprint.
CVD Value String 4-character numeric cvdCheck.setCvdValue("099"); CVD value located on credit card. The CVD value (supplied by the cardholder) must only be passed to the payment gateway. Under no circumstances may it be stored for subsequent use or displayed as part of the receipt information.

CVD Response Fields

Value Type Limits Set method Description
CVD result code 2-character alphanumeric true/false receipt.getCvdResultCode(); Indicates the CVD validation result. The first byte is the numeric CVD indicator sent in the request; the second byte is the response code. Possible response codes are shown in the CVD Result Code table.