My Profile_

Error Messages

Error messages that are returned if the gateway is unreachable

Message Cause
Global Error Receipt You are not connecting to our servers. This can be caused by a firewall or your internet connection.
Response Code = NULL The response code can be returned as null for a variety of reasons. A majority of the time the explanation is contained within the Message field. When a ‘NULL’ response is returned it can indicate that the Issuer, the credit card host, or the gateway is unavailable, either because they are offline or you are unable to connect to the internet. A ‘NULL’ can also be returned when a transaction message is improperly formatted.

Error messages that are returned in the Message field of the response

Message Cause
XML Parse Error in Request: <System specific detail> For some reason an improper XML document was sent from the API to the servlet
XML Parse Error in Response: <System specific detail> For some reason an improper XML document was sent back from the servlet
Transaction Not Completed Timed Out Transaction times out before the host responds to the gateway
Request was not allowed at this time The host is disconnected
Could not establish connection with the gateway: <System specific detail> For some reason an improper XML document was sent from the API to the servlet
Input/Output Error: <System specific detail> Servlet is not running
The transaction was not sent to the host because of a duplicate order id Tried to use an order id which was already in use
The transaction was not sent to the host because of a duplicate order id Expiry Date was sent in the wrong format

Convenience Fee Response Codes

Response Codes returned for Convenience Fee

Result Value Definition
973 Unable to locate merchant CF details
977 Invalid amount
978 Failed CF transaction
984 Data error: (optional: field name)
987 Invalid transaction
null Error: Malformed XML

Vault Response Codes

Response Codes returned for Vault

Result Value Message Cause
983 Cannot find previous data_key provided was not found in our records or profile is no longer active.
986 Incomplete: timed out
  • Timed out.
  • Cannot find expiring cards.
987 Invalid transaction
  • Transaction cannot be performed due to improper data being sent in.
  • Mandatory field is missing or an invalid SEC code is sent in.
988 Cannot find expiring cards no expired profiles found on file
null Error: Malformed XML Parse error.