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Testing a Solution

Merchant Resource Centre

The Merchant Resource Center is the user interface for Moneris Payment Gateway services. There is also a QA version of the Merchant Resource Centre site specifically allocated for you and other developers to use to test your API integrations with the gateway. You can access the Merchant Resource Center in the test environment at: (Canada)

The test environment is generally available 24×7, but 100% availability is not guaranteed. Also, please be aware that other merchants are using the test environment in the Merchant Resource Center. Therefore, you may see transactions and user IDs that you did not create. As a courtesy to others who are testing, we ask that you use only the transactions/users that you created. This applies to processing Refund transactions, changing passwords or trying other functions.
The test environment has been designed to replicate the production environment as closely as possible.

One major difference is that Moneris is unable to send test transactions onto the production authorization network. Therefore, issuer responses are simulated. Additionally, the requirement to emulate approval, decline and error situations dictates that certain transaction variables initiate various response and error situations. The test environment approves and declines transactions based on the penny value of the amount sent. For example, a transaction made for the amount of $9.00 or $1.00 is approved because of the .00 penny value.

Transactions in the test environment must not exceed $11.00.

For a list of all current test environment responses for various penny values, please see "Penny Value Simulator"

NOTE: These responses may change without notice. Check the "Penny Value Simulator" regularly to access the latest documentation and downloads.

When testing, use the test credentials provided in the following tables with the corresponding lines of code, as in the examples below.

For Canada:
string processing_country_code = "CA";
String store_id = "store5";
String api_token = "yesguy";

store_id api_token username password other information
store1 yesguy1 demouser password  
store2 yesguy demouser password  
store3 yesguy demouser password  
store4 yesguy demouser password  
store5 yesguy demouser password  
monca00392 qYdISUhHiOdfTr1CLNpN demouser password Use this store to test Convenience Fee transactions
moncaqagt1 mgtokenguy1 demouser password Use this store to test Token Sharing
moncaqagt2 mgtokenguy2 demouser password Use this store to test Token Sharing
moncaqagt3 mgtokenguy3 demouser password Use this store to test Token Sharing

Test Cards

Because of security and compliance reasons, the use of live credit and debit card numbers for testing is strictly prohibited. Only test credit and debit card numbers are to be used.

To test general transactions, use the following test card numbers:

Card Plan Card Number
MasterCard 5454545454545454
MasterCard (Bin2 CAN) 2222400041240011
Visa 4242424242424242
Amex 373599005095005
JCB 3566007770015365
Diners 36462462742008
Discover 6011000992927602
Track 2 5258968987035454=06061015454001060101?
UnionPay 6250944000000771       Expiry date: 12/49 (MM/YY), CVN2 value '371'

To test level 2/3 transactions, use the following test card numbers:

Card Plan Card Number
MasterCard 5454545442424242
Visa 4242424254545454
Amex 373269005095005
Diners 36462462742008