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A Purchase verifies funds on the customer’s card, removes the funds and prepares them for deposit into the merchant’s account.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;
import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaPurchase
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date(); 
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";            
		String amount = "5.00";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expdate = "1901"; //YYMM format
		String crypt = "7";
		boolean status_check = false;

		Purchase purchase = new Purchase();
		//purchase.setWalletIndicator(""); //Refer documentation for possible values

		//optional - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions
		//Optional - Proxy
		mpgReq.setProxy(false); //true to use proxy
		mpgReq.setProxyUser("proxyUser"); //optional - domainName\User
		mpgReq.setProxyPassword("proxyPassword"); //optional

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
			System.out.println("HostId = " + receipt.getHostId());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase - Transaction Values

Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal purchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount

This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.

The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric purchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date String 4-character numeric
YYMM format.
purchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.
Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric purchase.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase optional values

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
COF Info Object purchase.setCofInfo(cof); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric purchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1               
Wallet Indicator String 3-character alphanumeric purchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions whereby the merchant has integrated directly to the Visa/MC wallet to retrieve the card data and is now submitting it for processing. This is a mandatory field for these Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • APP = Apple Pay In-app
  • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
  • GPP = Google Pay In-app
  • GPW = Google Pay On the Web
  • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
  • VCO = Visa Checkout
Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Convenience Fee Object ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.

Please note, if the Convenience Fee is set, then Recurring Billing is not supported.

Purchase With Customer Information

The Customer Information object is an optional add-on to a number of transactions. The Customer Information object offers a number of fields to be submitted as part of the financial transaction, and stored by Moneris. These details may be viewed in the future in the Merchant Resource Center.

In addition to instantiating a transaction object and a connection object (as you would for a normal transaction), you must instantiate a CustInfo object. Any transaction that supports CustInfo has a setCustInfo method. This is used to write the customer information to the transaction object.

The Customer Information object holds three types of information:

  • Miscellaneous customer information properties
  • Billing/Shipping information
  • Item information

Things to consider:

  • If you send characters that are not included in the allowed list, these extra transaction details may not be stored.
  • All fields are alphanumeric and allow the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - : . @ $ = /
  • All French accents should be encoded as HTML entities, such as é
  • The data sent in Billing and Shipping Address fields will not be used for any address verification.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;
import java.util.*;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaPurchaseCustInfo
	public static void main(String[] args)
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String amount = "10.00";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expdate = "1901"; //YYMM format
		String crypt = "7";
		String processing_country_code = "CA";
		boolean status_check = false;

		/********************* Billing/Shipping Variables ****************************/

		String first_name = "Bob";
		String last_name = "Smith";
		String company_name = "ProLine Inc.";
		String address = "623 Bears Ave";
		String city = "Chicago";
		String province = "Illinois";
		String postal_code = "M1M2M1";
		String country = "Canada";
		String phone = "777-999-7777";
		String fax = "777-999-7778";
		String tax1 = "10.00";
		String tax2 = "5.78";
		String tax3 = "4.56";
		String shipping_cost = "10.00";

		/********************* Order Line Item Variables *****************************/

		String[] item_description = new String[] { "Chicago Bears Helmet", "Soldier Field Poster" };
		String[] item_quantity = new String[] { "1", "1" };
		String[] item_product_code = new String[] { "CB3450", "SF998S" };
		String[] item_extended_amount = new String[] { "150.00", "19.79" };

		/*								             */
		/*			Customer Information Option 1			     */
		/*									     */

		/********************** Customer Information Object **************************/

		CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

		/********************** Set Customer Billing Information **********************/

		customer.setBilling(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city,
				province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2,
				tax3, shipping_cost);

		/******************** Set Customer Shipping Information ***********************/

		customer.setShipping(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city,
				province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2,
				tax3, shipping_cost);

		/***************************** Order Line Items  ******************************/

		customer.setItem(item_description[0], item_quantity[0],
				item_product_code[0], item_extended_amount[0]);

		customer.setItem(item_description[1], item_quantity[1],
				item_product_code[1], item_extended_amount[1]);

		/*								             */
		/*			Customer Information Option 2			     */
		/*									     */

		/********************** Customer Information Object **************************/

		CustInfo customer2 = new CustInfo();

		/******************************* Billing Hashtable ***************************/

		Hashtable<String, String> b = new Hashtable<String, String>();	//billing hashtable

		b.put("first_name", first_name);
		b.put("last_name", last_name);
		b.put("company_name", company_name);
		b.put("address", address);
		b.put("city", city);
		b.put("province", province);
		b.put("postal_code", postal_code);
		b.put("country", country);
		b.put("phone", phone);
		b.put("fax", fax);
		b.put("tax1", tax1);       //federal tax
		b.put("tax2", tax2);        //prov tax
		b.put("tax3", tax3);        //luxury tax
		b.put("shipping_cost", shipping_cost);   //shipping cost  


		/****************************** Shipping Hashtable ***************************/

		Hashtable<String, String> s = new Hashtable<String, String>();	//shipping hashtable

		s.put("first_name", first_name);
		s.put("last_name", last_name);
		s.put("company_name", company_name);
		s.put("address", address);
		s.put("city", city);
		s.put("province", province);
		s.put("postal_code", postal_code);
		s.put("country", country);
		s.put("phone", phone);
		s.put("fax", fax);
		s.put("tax1", tax1);       //federal tax
		s.put("tax2", tax2);        //prov tax
		s.put("tax3", tax3);        //luxury tax
		s.put("shipping_cost", shipping_cost);   //shipping cost


		/************************* Order Line Item1 Hashtable ************************/

		Hashtable<String, String> i1 = new Hashtable<String, String>();		//item hashtable #1

		i1.put("name", item_description[0]);
		i1.put("quantity", item_quantity[0]);
		i1.put("product_code", item_product_code[0]);
		i1.put("extended_amount", item_extended_amount[0]);


		/************************* Order Line Item2 Hashtable **************************/

		Hashtable<String, String> i2 = new Hashtable<String, String>();		//item hashtable #2

		i2.put("name", "item2's name");
		i2.put("quantity", "7");
		i2.put("product_code", "item2's product code");
		i2.put("extended_amount", "5.01");


		/*************** Miscellaneous Customer Information Methods *******************/

		customer.setInstructions("Make it fast!");

		/********************** Transactional Request Object **************************/

		Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase - Transaction Values

Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal purchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount

This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.

The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric purchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date String 4-character numeri

YYMM format.
purchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.

Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric purchase.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase optional values

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
COF Info Object purchase.setCofInfo(cof); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric purchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

Wallet Indicator String 3-character alphanumeric purchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions whereby the merchant has integrated directly to the Visa/MC wallet to retrieve the card data and is now submitting it for processing. This is a mandatory field for these Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • APP = Apple Pay In-app
  • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
  • GPP = Google Pay In-app
  • GPW = Google Pay On the Web
  • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
  • VCO = Visa Checkout
Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Convenience Fee Object ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.

Please note, if the Convenience Fee is set, then Recurring Billing is not supported.

CustInfo object mandatory properties

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Email Address String 60-character alphanumeric customer.setEmail(""); Customer email address.
Instructions String 100-character alphanumeric customer.setInstructions("Rush!"); Instructions or notes.
Billing Information Object Option 1:

customer.setBilling(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

Option 2:

Billing information is stored as part of the CustInfo object. A maximum of 1 billing object may be set. They can be written to the object in one of two ways:
  • Using set methods
  • Using hash tables.
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Shipping Information Object Option 1:

customer.setShipping(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

Option 2:

Shipping information is stored as part of the CustInfo object. A maximum of 1 shipping object may be set. They can be written to the object in one of two ways:
  • Using set methods
  • Using hash tables.
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Items Array Object Option 1:

customer.setItem(item_description[0], item_quantity[0], item_product_code[0], item_extended_amount[0]);

Option 2:

Item information is stored as part of the CustInfo object. Multiple items may be set. They can be written to the object in one of two ways:
  • Using set methods
  • Using hash tables.
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.

Setting Billing & Shipping using Set Methods

The billing information and the shipping information for a given CustInfo object are written by using the customer.setBilling() and customer.setShipping() methods respectively:

customer.setBilling(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

customer.setShipping(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

Both of these methods have the same set of mandatory arguments.

Setting Billing & Shipping using Hash Tables

Writing billing or shipping information using hash tables is done as follows:

  1. Instantiate a CustInfo object.
  2. Instantiate a Hashtable object. (The sample code uses a different hash table for billing and shipping for clarity purposes. However, the skillful developer can re-use the same one.)
  3. Build the hashtable using put methods with the hash table keys in the table below.
  4. Call the CustInfo object's setBilling()/setShipping() method to pass the hashtable information to the CustInfo object
  5. Call the transaction object's setCustInfo() method to write the CustInfo object (with the billing/shipping information to the transaction object.

Billing & Shipping mandatory values

Value Type Limits Variable/Hash Table Key Description
First Name String 30-character alphanumeric "first_name" Customer first name
Last Name String 30-character alphanumeric "last_name" Customer last name
Company Name String 50-character alphanumeric "company_name" Customer 's company name
Address String 70-character alphanumeric "address" Customer's address
City String 30-character alphanumeric "city" Customer's city
Province / State String 30-character alphanumeric "province" Customer's province or state
Postal / Zip Code String 30-character alphanumeric "postal_code" Customer's postal or zip code
Country String 30-character alphanumeric "country" Customer's country
Phone Number String 30-character alphanumeric "phone" Customer's phone number
Fax Number String 30-character alphanumeric fax" Customer's fax number
Federal Tax String 10-character alphanumeric "tax1" Federal tax amount. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.
Provincial / State Tax String 10-character alphanumeric "tax2" Provincial or state tax amount. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.
Country / Local / Specialty Tax String 10-character alphanumeric "tax3" County, local or specialty tax amount. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.
Shipping Cost String 10-character alphanumeric "shipping_cost" Shipping cost. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.

Setting Items using Set Methods

All the item information in the table below is written to the CustInfo object in one instruction for a given item. Multiples items may be set. Such as:

customer.setItem(item_description, item_quantity, item_product_code, item_extended_amount);

Setting Items using Hash Tables

Writing item information using hash tables is done as follows:

  1. Instantiate a CustInfo object.
  2. Instantiate a Hashtable object. (The sample code uses a different hash table for each item for clarity purposes. However, the skillful developer can re-use the same one.)
  3. Build the hashtable using put methods with the hash table keys in the table below.
  4. Call the CustInfo object's setItem() method to pass the hashtable information to the CustInfo object
  5. Call the transaction object's setCustInfo() method to write the CustInfo object (with the item information to the transaction object.

Item mandatory values

Value Type Limits Variable/Hash Table Key Description
Item Name String 45-character alphanumeric "name" Item name or description.
Item Quantity String 5-character numeric "quantity" You must send a quantity > 0 or the item will not be added to the item list (i.e. minimum 1, maximum 99999)
Item Product Code String 20-character alphanumeric "product_code" Item product code or SKU.
Item Extended Amount String 9-character decimal "extended_amount" Must contain at least 3 digits and 2 penny values.


Purchase with CVD & AVS

The Card Validation Digits (CVD) value refers to the numbers appearing on the back of the credit card rather than the numbers imprinted on the front. It is an optional fraud prevention tool that enables merchants to verify data provided by the cardholder at transaction time. This data is submitted along with the transaction to the issuing bank, which provides a response indicating whether the data is a match.

The response that is received from CVD verification is intended to provide added security and fraud prevention, but the response itself does not affect the completion of a transaction. Upon receiving a response, the choice whether to proceed with a transaction is left entirely to the merchant. The response is not a strict guideline of which transaction will approve or decline.

Address Verification Service (AVS) is an optional fraud-prevention tool offered by issuing banks whereby a cardholder's address is submitted as part of the transaction authorization. The AVS address is then compared to the address kept on file at the issuing bank. AVS checks whether the street number, street name and zip/postal code match. The issuing bank returns an AVS result code indicating whether the data was matched successfully. Regardless of the AVS result code returned, the credit card is authorized or declined by the issuing bank.

The response that is received from AVS verification is intended to provide added security and fraud prevention, but the response itself does not affect the completion of a transaction. Upon receiving a response, the choice to proceed with a transaction is left entirely to the merchant. The responses is not a strict guideline of whether a transaction will be approved or declined.

Things to consider:

  • CVD is only supported by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, American Express and UnionPay.
  • AVS is only supported by Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.
  • When testing CVD or AVS, you must only use the Visa test card numbers 4242424242424242 or 4005554444444403, and the amounts described in the Simulator eFraud Response Codes Table
  • For a full list of possible AVS & CVD result codes refer to the CVD AVS Result Code table

Security:The CVD value must only be passed to the payment gateway. Under no circumstances may it be stored for subsequent uses or displayed as part of the receipt information.

Note:Please be advised that CVD results will NOT be returned in the response for UnionPay.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaPurchaseEfraud
	public static void main(String[] args)
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String amount = "10.02";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expiry_date = "1901"; //YYMM format
		String crypt = "7";
		boolean status_check = false;

		AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();
		avsCheck.setAvsStreetName("Payton Street");

		CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

		Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("Avs Response = " + receipt.getAvsResultCode());
			System.out.println("Cvd Response = " + receipt.getCvdResultCode());
			System.out.println("ITD Response = " + receipt.getITDResponse());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase - Transaction Values

Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal purchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount.
This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.
The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric purchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date
YYMM format.
String 4-character numeric purchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.

Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric purchase.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase optional values

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
COF Info Object purchase.setCofInfo(cof); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric purchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

Wallet Indicator String 3-character alphanumeric purchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions whereby the merchant has integrated directly to the Visa/MC wallet to retrieve the card data and is now submitting it for processing. This is a mandatory field for these Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • APP = Apple Pay In-app
  • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
  • GPP = Google Pay In-app
  • GPW = Google Pay On the Web
  • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
  • VCO = Visa Checkout
Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Convenience Fee Object ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Please note, if the Convenience Fee is set, then Recurring Billing is not supported.
CvdInfo object mandatory values
Value Type Limits Set method Description
CVD indicator String 1-character numeric cvdCheck.setCvdIndicator("1"); CVD presence indicator:
0: CVD value is deliberately bypassed or is not provided by the merchant.
1: CVD value is present.
2: CVD value is on the card, but is illegible.
9: Cardholder states that the card has no CVD imprint.
CVD Value String 4-character numeric cvdCheck.setCvdValue("099"); CVD value located on credit card. The CVD value (supplied by the cardholder) must only be passed to the payment gateway. Under no circumstances may it be stored for subsequent use or displayed as part of the receipt information.

AvsInfo object mandatory values
Value Type Limits Set method Description
AVS street number String 19-character alphanumeric1 avsCheck.setAvsStreetNumber("212"); Cardholder street number.
AVS street name String See AVS street number avsCheck.setAvsStreetName("Payton Street"); Cardholder street name.
AVS zip/postal code String 9-character alphanumeric avsCheck.setAvsZipCode("M1M1M1"); Cardholder zip/postal code

CVD & AVS Response Fields

Value Limits Get Method Description
CVD result code 2-character alphanumeric receipt.getCvdResultCode(); Indicates the CVD validation result. The first byte is the numeric CVD indicator sent in the request; the second byte is the response code. Possible response codes are shown in the CVD Result Code table.
AVS result code 1-character alphanumeric receipt.getAvsResultCode(); Indicates the address verification result. For a full list of possible response codes refer to the AVS Result Code table.

Purchase with Credential on File

When storing Customer’s credentials for use in future authorizations, or when using these credentials in subsequent transactions, card brands now require merchants to indicate this in the transaction request.

Things to consider:

  • While the requirements for handling credential on file transactions relate to Visa, Mastercard and Discover only, in order to avoid confusion and prevent error, please implement these changes for all card types and the Moneris system will then correctly flow the relevant card data values as appropriate
  • When initially storing cardholder credentials, please be sure to adhere to the following:
    1. Obtain the cardholder’s card verification digits(CVD).
    2. Issuer ID will be sent without value for the initial transaction.
    3. The payment information field will always be a value of 0.
    4. Include cardholder consent prior to cardholder data being stored.
    5. Financial transaction must be approved before storing.

Note:Credential on file transactions are available to Canada Integrations only.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;
import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaPurchase
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date(); 
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";            
		String amount = "5.00";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expdate = "1901"; //YYMM format
		String crypt = "7";
		boolean status_check = false;

		Purchase purchase = new Purchase();
		//purchase.setWalletIndicator(""); //Refer documentation for possible values

		//optional - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions
		//Optional - Proxy
		mpgReq.setProxy(false); //true to use proxy
		mpgReq.setProxyUser("proxyUser"); //optional - domainName\User
		mpgReq.setProxyPassword("proxyPassword"); //optional

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
			System.out.println("HostId = " + receipt.getHostId());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase - Transaction Values

Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal purchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount

This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.

The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric purchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date String 4-character numeric
YYMM format.
purchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.
Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric purchase.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase optional values

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
COF Info Object purchase.setCofInfo(cof);

For more information, see Definitions of Request Fields – Credential on File and Credential on File Transaction Object Request Fieldsbelow.

Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric purchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1               
Wallet Indicator String 3-character alphanumeric purchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions whereby the merchant has integrated directly to the Visa/MC wallet to retrieve the card data and is now submitting it for processing. This is a mandatory field for these Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • APP = Apple Pay In-app
  • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
  • GPP = Google Pay In-app
  • GPW = Google Pay On the Web
  • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
  • VCO = Visa Checkout
Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Convenience Fee Object ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.

Please note, if the Convenience Fee is set, then Recurring Billing is not supported.

Credential on File Info Object and Variables

The Credential on File Info object is nested within the request for the applicable transaction types.


  • cof

Variables in the cof object:

  • PaymentIndicator
  • PaymentInformation
  • IssuerID

For more information, see Definitions of Request Fields – Credential on File and Credential on File Transaction Object Request Fieldsbelow.

Definitions of Request Fields – Credential on File
Variable Name Type Limits Decription
Issuer ID

NOTE: This variable is required for all merchant- intiated transactions following the first one; upon sending the first transaction, the Issuer ID value is received in the transaction response and then used in subsequent transaction requests (Issuer ID does not apply for Discover or Union Pay).

String 15-character alphanumeric

Variable length

Unique identifier for the cardholder's stored credentials

Sent back in the response from the card brand when processing a Credential on File transaction

If the cardholder's credentials are being stored for the first time, and the issuer ID was returned in the response, you must save the issuer ID on your system to use in subsequent Credential on File transactions (applies to merchant-initiated transactions only)

The issuer ID must be saved to your systems when returned from Moneris Gateway in the response data, regardless if the value was received or not

As a best practice, if the issuer ID is not returned and you received a value of NULL instead, store that value and send it in the subsequent transaction
Payment Indicator String 1-character alphabetic Indicates the current or intended use of the credentials

Possible values for first transactions:
C - unscheduled Credential on File (first transactions only)
R – recurring

Possible values for subsequent transactions:
R - recurring
U - unscheduled merchant-initiated transaction
Z - unscheduled customer-initiated transaction

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
Payment Information String 1-character numeric Describes whether the transaction is the first or subsequent in the series
Possible values are:
0 - first transaction in a series (storing payment details provided by the cardholder)
2 - subsequent transactions (using previously stored payment details)
Credential on File Transaction Object Request Fields
Value Type Limits Set Method
Issuer ID String 15-character alphanumeric variable length cof.setIssuerId("VALUE_FOR_ ISSUER_ID");

NOTE: For a list and explanation of the possible values to send for this variable, see Definitions of Request Fields – Credential on File

Payment Indicator String 1-character alphabetic cof.setPaymentIndicator ("PAYMENT_INDICATOR_VALUE");

NOTE: For a list and explanation of the possible values to send for this variable, see Definitions of Request Fields – Credential on File

Payment Information String 1-character numeric cof.setPaymentInformation ("PAYMENT_INFO_VALUE");

NOTE: For a list and explanation of the possible values to send for this variable, see Definitions of Request Fields – Credential on File

Purchase with Recurring Billing

NEW!   We now have our Interactive tool for this section.

Verifies funds on the customer’s card, removes the funds and prepares them for deposit into the merchant’s account.

Recurring Billing allows you to set up payments whereby Moneris automatically processes the transactions and bills customers on your behalf based on the billing cycle information you provide.

In addition to instantiating a transaction object and a connection object (as you would for a normal transaction), you must instantiate a Recur object. This object has a number of mandatory properties that must be set.

Any transaction that supports Recurring Billing has a setRecur method. This is used to write the Recurring Billing information to the transaction object before writing the transaction object to the connection object.

Things to consider:

  • To avoid shifting, do not set the start_date after the 28th if the recur_unit is month. To set the billing date for the last day of the month, set recur_unit to eom.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;
import java.util.*;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaPurchaseRecur
	public static void main(String[] args)
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date(); 
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String amount = "10.00";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expiry_date = "1901"; //YYMM format
		String crypt = "7";

		/************************* Recur Variables **********************************/

		String recur_unit = "month"; //eom = end of month
		String start_now = "true";
		String start_date = "2018/04/01";
		String num_recurs = "12";
		String period = "1";
		String recur_amount = "30.00";
		boolean status_check = false;

		/************************* Recur Object Option1 ******************************/

		Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date,
				num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

		/************************* Recur Object Option2 ******************************/

		Hashtable<String, String> recur_hash = new Hashtable<String, String>();

		recur_hash.put("recur_unit", recur_unit);
		recur_hash.put("start_now", start_now);
		recur_hash.put("start_date", start_date);
		recur_hash.put("num_recurs", num_recurs);
		recur_hash.put("period", period);
		recur_hash.put("recur_amount", recur_amount);

		/************************ Transactional Object *******************************/

		Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

		/******************************* Set Recur ***********************************/


		//Mandatory on Recurs - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		/**************************** Https Post Request ***************************/

		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

		/******************************* Receipt ***********************************/

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("Recur Success = " + receipt.getRecurSuccess());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
		catch (Exception e)

Purchase - Transaction Values

Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal purchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.

The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric purchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date String 4-character numeric

YYMM format.
purchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.

Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
E-Commerce indicator String 1 - character alphanumeric purchase.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase optional values

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric purchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

Wallet Indicator String 3-character alphanumeric purchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions whereby the merchant has integrated directly to the Visa/MC wallet to retrieve the card data and is now submitting it for processing. This is a mandatory field for these Visa Checkout and MasterCard MasterPass transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • APP = Apple Pay In-app
  • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
  • GPP = Google Pay In-app
  • GPW = Google Pay On the Web
  • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
  • VCO = Visa Checkout
Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
COF Info Object purchase.setCofInfo(cof); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File

Note:If recurring object were sent in the transactions, then COF Info Object needs to be sent as well.

Recurring object mandatory values
Value Type Limits Argument name in example Description
Recur unit String day, week, month or eom recur_unit Unit to be used as a basis for the interval. This can be set as day, week, month or the end of the month.

Works in conjunction with the period argument (see below) to define the billing frequency.
Start Now String true/false start_now IIf a single charge is to be made against the card immediately, set this value to true. The amount to be billed immediately may differ from the amount billed on a regular basis thereafter.

If the billing is to start in the future, set this value to false.
Start Date String YYYY/MM/DD format start_date Date of the first future recurring billing transaction. This value must be a date in the future.

If an additional charge is to be made immediately, the start_now argument must be set to true.
Number of Recurs String numeric 1-99 num_recurs The number of times that the transaction must recur.
Period String numeric 1-999 period Number of recur units that must pass between recurring billings.
Recurring Amount String 9-character decimal 0.01-9999999.99. recur_amount Amount of the recurring transaction. This must contain at least three digits, two of which are penny values.

This is the amount that will be billed on the start_date, and then billed repeatedlybased on the interval defined by period and recur_unit.

Recurring Billing Response Fields

Value Limits Get Method Description
Recurring billing success true/false receipt.getRecurSuccess(); Indicates whether the recurring billing transaction has been successfully set up for future billing.

Purchase with Convenience Fee

The Convenience Fee program allows merchants to apply an additional charge to a customer’s bill (with their consent) for the convenience of being able to pay for goods and services using an alternative payment channel. This applies only when providing a true convenience in the form of a channel outside the merchant's customary face-to-face payment channels.

The convenience fee is a charge in addition to what the consumer is paying for the provided goods/services. This charge appears as a separate line item on the consumer’s statement.

The Convenience Fee program provides several benefits. It may allow you an opportunity to reduce or eliminate credit card processing fees and improve customer satisfaction.

In addition to instantiating a transaction object and a connection object (as you would for a normal transaction), you must instantiate a ConvFeeInfo object. This object has one mandatory value that must be set:

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaConvFeePurchase
	public static void main(String args[])
		String store_id = "monca00392";
		String api_token = "qYdISUhHiOdfTr1CLNpN";

		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String amount = "10.00";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expdate = "1911";
		String crypt = "7";
		ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();
		Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());

			System.out.println("CfSuccess = " + receipt.getCfSuccess());
			System.out.println("CfStatus = " + receipt.getCfStatus());
			System.out.println("FeeAmount = " + receipt.getFeeAmount());
			System.out.println("FeeRate = " + receipt.getFeeRate());
			System.out.println("FeeType = " + receipt.getFeeType());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase - Transaction Values

Purchase purchase = new Purchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal purchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.

The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric purchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date String 4-character numeric
YYMM format.
purchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.
Note : This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric purchase.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Convenience Fee Object ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition. Please note, if the Convenience Fee is set, then Recurring Billing is not supported.

Purchase optional values

Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric purchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.

This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric purchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.

Convenience Fee Mandatory Values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Convenience fee amount String 9-character decimal convFeeInfo.setConvenienceFee("5.00"); Amount customer is being charged as a convenience fee

Convenience Fee Response Fields

Value Limits Get Method Description
Convenience fee success true/false receipt.getCfSuccess(); Indicates whether the Convenience Fee transaction processed successfully.
Convenience fee status 2-character alphanumeric receipt.getCfStatus(); Indicates the status of the merchant and convenience fee transactions. The CfStatus field provides details about the transaction behavior and should be referenced when contacting Moneris Customer Support.

Possible values are:
  • 1 or 1F - Completed 1st purchase transaction
  • 2 or 2F - Completed 2nd purchase transaction
  • 3 - Completed void transaction
  • 4A or 4D - Completed refund transaction
  • 7 or 7F - Completed merchant independent refund transaction
  • 8 or 8F - Completed merchant refund transaction
  • 9 or 9F - Completed 1st void transaction
  • 10 or 10F - Completed 2nd void transaction
  • 11A or 11D - Completed refund transaction
Convenience fee amount 9-character decimal receipt.getFeeAmount(); The expected Convenience Fee amount. This field will return the amount submitted by the merchant for a successful transaction. For an unsuccessful transaction, it will return the expected convenience fee amount.
Convenience fee rate 9-character decimal receipt.getFeeRate(); The convenience fee rate that has been defined on the merchant’s profile. For example:
1.00 - a fixed amount or
10.0 - a percentage amount
Convenience fee type AMT/PCT receipt.getFeeType(); The type of convenience fee that has been defined on the merchant’s profile.
Available options are:
AMT - fixed amount
PCT - percentage

Purchase with 3-D Secure

NEW!   We now have our Interactive tool for this section.

The Purchase with 3-D Secure transaction follows a 3-D Secure MPI authentication. After receiving confirmation from the MPI ACS transaction, this Purchase verifies funds on the customer’s card, removes the funds and prepares them for deposit into the merchant’s account.

To perform the 3-D Secure authentication, the Moneris MPI or any 3rd party MPI may be used.

In addition to 3-D Secure transactions, this transaction can also be used to process Apple Pay and Google Pay™ transactions. This transaction is applicable only if choosing to integrate directly to Apple Wallet or Google Wallet (if not using the Moneris Apple Pay or Google Pay™ SDKs).

Refer to Apple or Google developer portals for details on integrating directly to their wallets to retrieve the payload data.

NOTE: Moneris strongly discourages the use of frames as part of a 3-D Secure implementation, and cannot guarantee their reliability when processing transactions in the production environment.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaCavvPurchase
	public static void main(String[] args)
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String cust_id = "CUS887H67";
		String amount = "10.42";
		String pan = "4242424242424242";
		String expdate = "1901"; //YYMM
		String cavv = "AAABBJg0VhI0VniQEjRWAAAAAAA=";
		String dynamic_descriptor = "123456";
		String crypt_type = "5";
		boolean status_check = false;

		CavvPurchase cavvPurchase = new CavvPurchase();
		cavvPurchase.setCryptType(crypt_type); //Mandatory for AMEX only
		//cavvPurchase.setWalletIndicator("APP"); //set only for wallet transactions. e.g APPLE PAY
		//cavvPurchase.setNetwork("Interac"); //set only for Interac e-commerce
		//cavvPurchase.setDataType("3DSecure"); //set only for Interac e-commerce
		//optional - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();

		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest(); 
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("ISO = " + receipt.getISO());
			System.out.println("BankTotals = " + receipt.getBankTotals());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("Ticket = " + receipt.getTicket());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("CavvResultCode = " + receipt.getCavvResultCode());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
		catch (Exception e)

Purchase with 3-D Secure - Transaction

CavvPurchase cavvPurchase = new CavvPurchase();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase object mandatory values

Value Type Limits Set method Description
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal cavvPurchase.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.
The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
Credit card number String 20-character numeric cavvPurchase.setPan(pan); Most credit card numbers today are 16 digits, but some 13-digit numbers are still accepted by some issuers. This field has been intentionally expanded to 20 digits in consideration for future expansion and potential support of private label card ranges.
Expiry date String 4-character numeric
YYMM format.
cavvPurchase.setExpdate(expdate); Submit in YYMM format.
Note: This is the reverse of the date displayed on the physical card, which is MMYY.
Cardholder Authentication Verification Value(CAVV) String 50-character alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setCavv(cavv); Value provided by the Moneris MPI or by a third-party MPI. It is part of a Verified by Visa (VbV), MasterCard SecureCode (MCSC) or American Express SafeKey transaction
For Apple Pay and Google Pay processing please submit the decrypted cryptogram in this field.
E-Commerce Indicator String 1-character numeric cavvPurchase.setCryptType(crypt_type);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

For Apple Pay or Google Pay transactions where you are doing decryption: send the value of the eciIndicator or 3dsEciIndicator field returned in the payload

If the value is not present in the payload, send the value as 5; if you get a 2-character value (e.g.,. 05 or 07), remove the initial 0 and just send us the 2nd character

Allowable values for Apple Pay and Google Pay are:

  • 5: Authenticated e-commerce transaction
  • 7: SSL-enabled merchant

Purchase optional values

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.
This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

COF Info Object cavvPurchase.setCofInfo(cof); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File
Wallet Indicator String 3-character alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setWalletIndicator(wallet_indicator); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Apple Pay and Google Pay transactions whereby the merchant is using their own API to decrypt the payload. This is a mandatory field for wallet transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
    • APP = Apple Pay In-app
    • APW = Apple Pay On the Web
    • GPW = Google pay on Web
    • GPP = Google pay InApp
    • MMP = MasterCard MasterPass
    • VCO = Visa Checkout

Please note that if this field is included to indicate Apple Pay or Google Pay, then Convenience Fee is not supported.

Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition. This feature is not available for Apple Pay and Google Pay.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition. This feature is not available for Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Convenience Fee Object ConvFeeInfo convFeeInfo = new ConvFeeInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Please note, if the Convenience Fee is set, then Recurring Billing is not supported.
Network String alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setNetwork(network); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to Apple Pay and Google Pay transactions whereby the merchant is using their own API to decrypt the payload. This is a mandatory field for INTERAC ® e-Commerce Apple Pay transactions.
Field is a case sensitive:
  • Interac
Data Type String alphanumeric cavvPurchase.setDataType(data_type); Available to Canada integrations only. This field is applicable to INTERAC® e-Commerce Apple Pay and Google Pay transactions whereby the merchant is using their own API to decrypt the payload. This is a mandatory field for INTERAC ® e-Commerce Apple Pay transactions.
Field is a case sensitive. Possible value:
  • 3D Secure = Cryptogram obtained using Merchant Capability 3DS
  • EMV = Cryptogram obtained using Merchant Capability EMV

3-D Secure Response Fields

Value Limits Get Method Description
CAVV result code 1-character alphanumeric receipt.getCavvResultCode(); Indicates the Verified by Visa CAVV result. Possible response codes are shown in the CAVV Result Code table.

Purchase with Vault

NEW!   We now have our Interactive tool for this section.

This transaction uses the data key to identify a previously registered credit card profile. The details saved within the profile are then submitted to perform a Purchase transaction.

The data key may be a temporary one generated using Hosted Tokenization or it may be a permanent one from the Vault.

The Vault feature allows merchants to create long term customer profiles, edit those profiles, and use them to process transactions without having to enter financial information each time.

The only difference between charging a temporary token and charging a standard Vault token is whether the expiry date is sent. With the Vault token, the expiry date is stored along with the card number as part of the Vault profile. Therefore, there is no need to send the expiry date again with each normal Vault transaction.

However, a temporary token transaction may have only stored the card number. Therefore, in this scenario the expiry date must be sent when you charge the card.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaResPurchaseCC
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store5";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		String data_key = "8OOXGiwxgvfbZngigVFeld9d2";
		String amount = "1.00";
		String cust_id = "customer1"; //if sent will be submitted, otherwise cust_id from profile will be used
		String crypt_type = "1";
		String descriptor = "my descriptor";
		String expdate = "1512"; //For Temp Token
		boolean status_check = false;

		ResPurchaseCC resPurchaseCC = new ResPurchaseCC();
		//resPurchaseCC.setExpDate(expdate); //Temp Tokens only

		//Mandatory - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("DataKey = " + receipt.getDataKey());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("ResSuccess = " + receipt.getResSuccess());
			System.out.println("PaymentType = " + receipt.getPaymentType());
			System.out.println("IsVisaDebit = " + receipt.getIsVisaDebit());
			System.out.println("Cust ID = " + receipt.getResCustId());
			System.out.println("Phone = " + receipt.getResPhone());
			System.out.println("Email = " + receipt.getResEmail());
			System.out.println("Note = " + receipt.getResNote());
			System.out.println("Masked Pan = " + receipt.getResMaskedPan());
			System.out.println("Exp Date = " + receipt.getResExpdate());
			System.out.println("Crypt Type = " + receipt.getResCryptType());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Number = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetNumber());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Name = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetName());
			System.out.println("Avs Zipcode = " + receipt.getResAvsZipcode());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase with Vault - Transaction Values

ResPurchaseCC resPurchaseCC = new ResPurchaseCC();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase with Vault mandatory values

Data Key String 25-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setData(data_key); The data key is the token that points to a previously stored profile. Profile identifier that all future financial Vault transactions (that is, they occur after the profile was registered by a ResAddCC or ResTokenizeCC transaction) will use to associate with the saved information.

The data key is generated by Moneris, and is returned to the merchant (via the Receipt object) when the profile is first registered.
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal resPurchaseCC.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.

The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase with Vault optional values

Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Expiry Date String 4-character numeric

YYMM format.
resPurchaseCC.setExpDate(expdate); The optional Expiry Date applies to Hosted Tokenization transactions. If the expiry date was not collected by Hosted Tokenization solution, then it must be set in the Vault transaction request.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.
This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
COF Info Object resPurchaseCC.setCofInfo(cof); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File

Vault Response Fields

Value Limits Get Method Description
Data Key 25-character alphanumeric receipt.getDataKey(); This field is created when a profile is created and a token is returned.
It is a unique profile identifier, and is a required value for all future Vault transactions.
Vault Success true/false receipt.getResSuccess(); Indicates whether Vault transaction was successful.
Payment Type cc receipt.getPaymentType(); Indicates the payment type associated with a Vault profile.
Customer ID 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResCustId(); Returns the customer ID saved in the profile.
Phone Number 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResPhone(); Returns the phone number saved in the profile.
Email Address 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResEmail(); Returns the email address saved in the profile.
Note 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResNote(); Returns the note saved in the profile.
Credit Card Fields
Masked PAN 20-character numeric receipt.getResMaskedPan(); Returns the first 4 last 4 of the card number saved in the profile.
Expiry Date 4-character numeric receipt.getResExpdate(); Returns the expiry date of the card number saved in the profile. YYMM format.
E-Commerce Indicator 1-character numeric receipt.getResCryptType(); Returns the e-commerce indicator saved in the profile.
AVS Street Number 19-character alphanumeric receipt.getResAvsStreetNumber(); Returns the AVS street number saved in the profile. If no other AVS street number is passed in the transaction request, this value will be submitted along with the financial transaction to the issuer.
AVS Street Name 19-character alphanumeric receipt.getResAvsStreetName(); Returns the AVS street name saved in the profile. If no other AVS street number is passed in the transaction request, this value will be submitted along with the financial transaction to the issuer.
AVS Zip/Postal Code 9-character alphanumeric receipt.getResAvsZipcode(); Returns the AVS zip/postal code saved in the profile. If no other AVS street number is passed in the transaction request, this value will be submitted along with the financial transaction to the issuer.

Purchase with Vault and Customer Information

The Vault feature allows merchants to create customer profiles, edit those profiles, and use them to process transactions without having to enter financial information each time.

The Vault is a complement to the recurring payment module. It securely stores customer account information on Moneris secure servers. This allows merchants to bill customers for routine products or services when an invoice is due.

An optional add-on to a number of transactions the Customer Information object. The Customer Information object offers a number of fields to be submitted as part of the financial transaction, and stored by Moneris. These details may be viewed in the future in the Merchant Resource Center.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;
import java.util.*;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaResPurchaseCCCustInfo
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date();
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store1";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		String data_key = "eLqsADfwqHDxIpJG9vLnELx01";
		String amount = "1.00";
		String cust_id = "customer1"; //if sent will be submitted, otherwise cust_id from profile will be used
		String crypt_type = "1";
		boolean status_check = false;

		ResPurchaseCC resPurchaseCC = new ResPurchaseCC();

		//CustInfo Variables
		CustInfo custInfo = new CustInfo();
		custInfo.setInstructions("Make it fast!");

		Hashtable<String, String> b = new Hashtable<String, String>();

		b.put("first_name", "Bob");
		b.put("last_name", "Smith");
		b.put("company_name", "Widget Company Inc.");
		b.put("address", "111 Bolts Ave.");
		b.put("city", "Toronto");
		b.put("province", "Ontario");
		b.put("postal_code", "M8T 1T8");
		b.put("country", "Canada");
		b.put("phone", "416-555-5555");
		b.put("fax", "416-555-5555");
		b.put("tax1", "123.45");       //federal tax
		b.put("tax2", "12.34");        //prov tax
		b.put("tax3", "15.45");        //luxury tax
		b.put("shipping_cost", "456.23");   //shipping cost


		/* OR you can pass the individual args.
		   "Bob",                  //first name
		   "Smith",                //last name
		   "Widget Company Inc.",  //company name
		   "111 Bolts Ave.",       //address
		   "Toronto",              //city
		   "Ontario",              //province
		   "M8T 1T8",              //postal code
		   "Canada",               //country
		   "416-555-5555",         //phone
		   "416-555-5555",         //fax
		   "123.45",               //federal tax
		   "12.34",                //prov tax
		   "15.45",                //luxury tax
		   "456.23"                //shipping cost

		Hashtable<String, String> s = new Hashtable<String, String>();

		s.put("first_name", "Bob");
		s.put("last_name", "Smith");
		s.put("company_name", "Widget Company Inc.");
		s.put("address", "111 Bolts Ave.");
		s.put("city", "Toronto");
		s.put("province", "Ontario");
		s.put("postal_code", "M8T 1T8");
		s.put("country", "Canada");
		s.put("phone", "416-555-5555");
		s.put("fax", "416-555-5555");
		s.put("tax1", "123.45");       //federal tax
		s.put("tax2", "12.34");        //prov tax
		s.put("tax3", "15.45");        //luxury tax
		s.put("shipping_cost", "456.23");   //shipping cost


		/* OR you can pass the individual args.
		   "Bob",                  //first name
		   "Smith",                //last name
		   "Widget Company Inc.",  //company name
		   "111 Bolts Ave.",       //address
		   "Toronto",              //city
		   "Ontario",              //province
		   "M8T 1T8",              //postal code
		   "Canada",               //country
		   "416-555-5555",         //phone
		   "416-555-5555",         //fax
		   "123.45",               //federal tax
		   "12.34",                //prov tax
		   "15.45",                //luxury tax
		   "456.23"                //shipping cost

		Hashtable<String, String> i1 = new Hashtable<String, String>();

		i1.put("name", "item1's name");
		i1.put("quantity", "5");
		i1.put("product_code", "item1's product code");
		i1.put("extended_amount", "1.01");


		/* OR you can pass the individual args.
		   "item1's name",         //name
		   "5",                    //quantity
		   "item1's product code", //product code
		   "1.01"                  //extended amount

		Hashtable<String, String> i2 = new Hashtable<String, String>();

		i2.put("name", "item2's name");
		i2.put("quantity", "7");
		i2.put("product_code", "item2's product code");
		i2.put("extended_amount", "5.01");



		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("DataKey = " + receipt.getDataKey());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("ResSuccess = " + receipt.getResSuccess());
			System.out.println("PaymentType = " + receipt.getPaymentType());
			System.out.println("Cust ID = " + receipt.getResCustId());
			System.out.println("Phone = " + receipt.getResPhone());
			System.out.println("Email = " + receipt.getResEmail());
			System.out.println("Note = " + receipt.getResNote());
			System.out.println("Masked Pan = " + receipt.getResMaskedPan());
			System.out.println("Exp Date = " + receipt.getResExpdate());
			System.out.println("Crypt Type = " + receipt.getResCryptType());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Number = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetNumber());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Name = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetName());
			System.out.println("Avs Zipcode = " + receipt.getResAvsZipcode());
		catch (Exception e)

Purchase with Vault - Transaction Values

ResPurchaseCC resPurchaseCC = new ResPurchaseCC();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase with Vault mandatory values

Data Key String 25-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setData(data_key); The data key is the token that points to a previously stored profile. Profile identifier that all future financial Vault transactions (that is, they occur after the profile was registered by a ResAddCC or ResTokenizeCC transaction) will use to associate with the savedinformation.
The data key is generated by Moneris, and is returned to the merchant (via the Receipt object) when the profile is first registered.
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.
For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.
The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.
A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.
If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal resPurchaseCC.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.
The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows:

if payment indicator = R, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 2, 5 or 6
if payment indicator = C, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7
if payment indicator = U, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1 or 7
if payment indicator = Z, then allowable values for e-commerce indicator: 1, 5, 6 or 7

Purchase with Vault optional values

Status Check Boolean true/false mpgReq.setStatusCheck (status_check); Status Check is a connection object value that allows merchants to verify whether a previously sent transaction was processed successfully. To submit a Status Check request, resend the original transaction with all the same parameter values, but set the status check value to either true or false. Once set to “true”, the gateway will check the status of a transaction that has an order_id that matches the one passed.
  • If the transaction is found, the gateway will respond with the specifics of that transaction.
  • If the transaction is not found, the gateway will respond with a not found message.
  • Once it is set to “false”, the transaction will process as a new transaction.
Things to consider:
  • The Status Check request should only be used once and immediately (within 2 minutes) after the last transaction that had failed.
  • Do not resend the Status Check request if it has timed out. Additional investigation is required.
Expiry Date String 4-character numeric resPurchaseCC.setExpDate(expdate); The optional Expiry Date applies to Hosted Tokenization transactions. If the expiry date was not collected by Hosted Tokenization solution, then it must be set in the Vault transaction request.
Customer ID String 50-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setCustId(cust_id); This can be used for policy number, membership number, student ID, invoice number.
This field is searchable from the Moneris Merchant Resource Centre.
Dynamic descriptor String 20-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setDynamicDescriptor ("2134565"); Merchant defined description sent on a per-transaction basis that will appear on the credit card statement.  Dependent on the card Issuer, the statement will typically show the dynamic descriptor appended to the merchant's existing business name separated by the "/" character.  Please note that the combined length of the merchant's business name, forward slash "/" character, and the dynamic descriptor may not exceed 22 characters.


Existing Business Name:  ABC Painting

Dynamic Descriptor:  Booking 12345

Cardholder Statement Displays:  ABC Painting/Booking 1

Customer Information Object CustInfo customer = new CustInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
AVS Information Object AvsInfo avsCheck = new AvsInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
CVD Information Object CvdInfo cvdCheck = new CvdInfo();

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Recurring Billing Object Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date, num_recurs, period, recur_amount);

Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
COF Info Object cof.setPaymentIndicator(PaymentIndicator) cof.setPaymentInformation(PaymentInformation) cof.setIssuerId(IssuerID); Refer to Purchase with Credential on File

CustInfo object mandatory properties

Value Type Limits Set method Decription
Email Address String 60-character alphanumeric customer.setEmail(""); Customer email address.
Instructions String 100-character alphanumeric customer.setInstructions("Rush!"); Instructions or notes.
Billing Information Object Option 1:
customer.setBilling(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

Option 2:
Billing information is stored as part of the CustInfo object. A maximum of 1 billing object may be set. They can be written to the object in one of two ways:
  • Using set methods
  • Using hash tables.
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Shipping Information Object Option 1:
customer.setShipping(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

Option 2:
Shipping information is stored as part of the CustInfo object. A maximum of 1 shipping object may be set. They can be written to the object in one of two ways:
  • Using set methods
  • Using hash tables.
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.
Items Array Object Option 1:
customer.setItem(item_description[0], item_quantity[0], item_product_code[0], item_extended_amount[0]);

Option 2:
Item information is stored as part of the CustInfo object. Multiple items may be set. They can be written to the object in one of two ways:
  • Using set methods
  • Using hash tables.
Refer below for further breakdown and definition.

Setting Billing & Shipping using Set Methods

The billing information and the shipping information for a given CustInfo object are written by using the customer.setBilling() and customer.setShipping() methods respectively:

customer.setBilling(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

customer.setShipping(first_name, last_name, company_name, address, city, province, postal_code, country, phone, fax, tax1, tax2, tax3, shipping_cost);

Both of these methods have the same set of mandatory arguments.

Setting Billing & Shipping using Hash Tables

Writing billing or shipping information using hash tables is done as follows:

  1. Instantiate a CustInfo object.
  2. Instantiate a Hashtable object. (The sample code uses a different hash table for billing and shipping for clarity purposes. However, the skillful developer can re-use the same one.)
  3. Build the hashtable using put methods with the hash table keys in the table below.
  4. Call the CustInfo object's setBilling()/setShipping() method to pass the hashtable information to the CustInfo object
  5. Call the transaction object's setCustInfo() method to write the CustInfo object (with the billing/shipping information to the transaction object.

Billing & Shipping mandatory values

Value Type Limits Variable/Hash Table Key Description
First Name String 30-character alphanumeric "first_name" Customer first name
Last Name String 30-character alphanumeric "last_name" Customer last name
Company Name String 50-character alphanumeric "company_name" Customer 's company name
Address String 70-character alphanumeric "address" Customer's address
City String 30-character alphanumeric "city" Customer's city
Province / State String 30-character alphanumeric "province" Customer's province or state
Postal / Zip Code String 30-character alphanumeric "postal_code" Customer's postal or zip code
Country String 30-character alphanumeric "country" Customer's country
Phone Number String 30-character alphanumeric "phone" Customer's phone number
Fax Number String 30-character alphanumeric fax" Customer's fax number
Federal Tax String 10-character alphanumeric "tax1" Federal tax amount. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.
Provincial / State Tax String 10-character alphanumeric "tax2" Provincial or state tax amount. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.
Country / Local / Specialty Tax String 10-character alphanumeric "tax3" County, local or specialty tax amount. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.
Shipping Cost String 10-character alphanumeric "shipping_cost" Shipping cost. Amount is not used for calculating total amount.

Setting Items using Set Methods

All the item information in the table below is written to the CustInfo object in one instruction for a given item. Multiples items may be set. Such as:

customer.setItem(item_description, item_quantity, item_product_code, item_extended_amount);

Setting Items using Hash Tables

Writing item information using hash tables is done as follows:

  1. Instantiate a CustInfo object.
  2. Instantiate a Hashtable object. (The sample code uses a different hash table for each item for clarity purposes. However, the skillful developer can re-use the same one.)
  3. Build the hashtable using put methods with the hash table keys in the table below.
  4. Call the CustInfo object's setItem() method to pass the hashtable information to the CustInfo object
  5. Call the transaction object's setCustInfo() method to write the CustInfo object (with the item information to the transaction object.

Item mandatory values

Value Type Limits Variable/Hash Table Key Description
Item Name String 45-character alphanumeric "name" Item name or description.
Item Quantity String 5-character numeric "quantity" You must send a quantity > 0 or the item will not be added to the item list (i.e. minimum 1, maximum 99999)
Item Product Code String 20-character alphanumeric "product_code" Item product code or SKU.
Item Extended Amount String 9-character decimal "extended_amount" Must contain at least 3 digits and 2 penny values.

Vault Response Fields

Value Limits Get Method Description
Data Key 25-character alphanumeric receipt.getDataKey(); This field is created when a profile is created and a token is returned.
It is a unique profile identifier, and is a required value for all future Vault transactions.
Vault Success true/false receipt.getResSuccess(); Indicates whether Vault transaction was successful.
Payment Type cc receipt.getPaymentType(); Indicates the payment type associated with a Vault profile.
Customer ID 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResCustId(); Returns the customer ID saved in the profile.
Phone Number 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResPhone(); Returns the phone number saved in the profile.
Email Address 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResEmail(); Returns the email address saved in the profile.
Note 30-character alphanumeric receipt.getResNote(); Returns the note saved in the profile.
Credit Card Fields
Masked PAN 20-character numeric receipt.getResMaskedPan(); Returns the first 4 last 4 of the card number saved in the profile.
Expiry Date 4-character numeric receipt.getResExpdate(); Returns the expiry date of the card number saved in the profile. YYMM format.
E-Commerce Indicator 1-character numeric receipt.getResCryptType(); Returns the e-commerce indicator saved in the profile.
AVS Street Number 19-character alphanumeric receipt.getResAvsStreetNumber(); Returns the AVS street number saved in the profile. If no other AVS street number is passed in the transaction request, this value will be submitted along with the financial transaction to the issuer.
AVS Street Name 19-character alphanumeric receipt.getResAvsStreetName(); Returns the AVS street name saved in the profile. If no other AVS street number is passed in the transaction request, this value will be submitted along with the financial transaction to the issuer.
AVS Zip/Postal Code 9-character alphanumeric receipt.getResAvsZipcode(); Returns the AVS zip/postal code saved in the profile. If no other AVS street number is passed in the transaction request, this value will be submitted along with the financial transaction to the issuer.

Purchase with Vault and Recurring Billing

NEW!   We now have our Interactive tool for this section.

This transaction uses the data key to identify a previously registered credit card profile. The details saved within the profile are then submitted to perform a Purchase transaction.

The data key may be a temporary one generated using Hosted Tokenization or it may be a permanent one from the Vault.

The Vault feature allows merchants to create customer profiles, edit those profiles, and use them to process transactions without having to enter financial information each time.

The Vault is a complement to the recurring payment module. It securely stores customer account information on Moneris secure servers. This allows merchants to bill customers for routine products or services when an invoice is due.

This transaction allows the merchant to process a Purchase transaction using a data key to reference the card number already on file. In addition, it also registers a new recurring billing profile where going forward Moneris will automatically process the recurring transaction and will bill customers on your behalf based on the billing cycle information you provide.

In addition to instantiating a transaction object and a connection object (as you would for a normal transaction), you must instantiate a Recur object. This object has a number of mandatory properties that must be set.

Any transaction that supports Recurring Billing has a setRecur method. This is used to write the Recurring Billing information to the transaction object before writing the transaction object to the connection object.

Things to consider:

  • To avoid shifting, do not set the start_date after the 28th if the recur_unit is month. To set the billing date for the last day of the month, set recur_unit to eom.

Canada Code Sample

package Canada;

import JavaAPI.*;

public class TestCanadaResPurchaseCCRecur
	public static void main(String[] args)
		java.util.Date createDate = new java.util.Date(); 
		String order_id = "Test"+createDate.getTime();
		String store_id = "store1";
		String api_token = "yesguy";
		String data_key = "eLqsADfwqHDxIpJG9vLnELx01";
		String amount = "1.00";
		String cust_id = "customer1"; //if sent will be submitted, otherwise cust_id from profile will be used
		String crypt_type = "2";
		boolean status_check = false;

		ResPurchaseCC resPurchaseCC = new ResPurchaseCC();

		/************************* Recur Variables **********************************/

		String recur_unit = "month";
		String start_now = "false";
		String start_date = "2019/12/01";
		String num_recurs = "12";
		String period = "1";
		String recur_amount = "30.00";

		/************************* Recur Object Option1 ******************************/

		Recur recurring_cycle = new Recur(recur_unit, start_now, start_date,
				num_recurs, period, recur_amount);


		//Mandatory - Credential on File details
		CofInfo cof = new CofInfo();
		HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();
		mpgReq.setTestMode(true); //false or comment out this line for production transactions

			Receipt receipt = mpgReq.getReceipt();

			System.out.println("DataKey = " + receipt.getDataKey());
			System.out.println("ReceiptId = " + receipt.getReceiptId());
			System.out.println("ReferenceNum = " + receipt.getReferenceNum());
			System.out.println("ResponseCode = " + receipt.getResponseCode());
			System.out.println("AuthCode = " + receipt.getAuthCode());
			System.out.println("Message = " + receipt.getMessage());
			System.out.println("TransDate = " + receipt.getTransDate());
			System.out.println("TransTime = " + receipt.getTransTime());
			System.out.println("TransType = " + receipt.getTransType());
			System.out.println("Complete = " + receipt.getComplete());
			System.out.println("TransAmount = " + receipt.getTransAmount());
			System.out.println("CardType = " + receipt.getCardType());
			System.out.println("TxnNumber = " + receipt.getTxnNumber());
			System.out.println("TimedOut = " + receipt.getTimedOut());
			System.out.println("AVSResponse = " + receipt.getAvsResultCode());
			System.out.println("CVDResponse = " + receipt.getCvdResultCode());
			System.out.println("RecurSuccess = " + receipt.getRecurSuccess());
			System.out.println("ResSuccess = " + receipt.getResSuccess());
			System.out.println("PaymentType = " + receipt.getPaymentType());
			System.out.println("Cust ID = " + receipt.getResCustId());
			System.out.println("Phone = " + receipt.getResPhone());
			System.out.println("Email = " + receipt.getResEmail());
			System.out.println("Note = " + receipt.getResNote());
			System.out.println("Masked Pan = " + receipt.getResMaskedPan());
			System.out.println("Exp Date = " + receipt.getResExpdate());
			System.out.println("Crypt Type = " + receipt.getResCryptType());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Number = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetNumber());
			System.out.println("Avs Street Name = " + receipt.getResAvsStreetName());
			System.out.println("Avs Zipcode = " + receipt.getResAvsZipcode());
			System.out.println("IssuerId = " + receipt.getIssuerId());
		catch (Exception e)


Purchase with Vault - Transaction Values

ResPurchaseCC resPurchaseCC = new ResPurchaseCC();

HttpsPostRequest mpgReq = new HttpsPostRequest();


Purchase with Vault mandatory values

Data Key String 25-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setData(data_key); The data key is the token that points to a previously stored profile. Profile identifier that all future financial Vault transactions (that is, they occur after the profile was registered by a ResAddCC or ResTokenizeCC transaction) will use to associate with the saved information.
The data key is generated by Moneris, and is returned to the merchant (via the Receipt object) when the profile is first registered.
Order ID String 50-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setOrderId(order_id); Merchant-defined transaction identifier that must be unique for every Purchase, Pre-Authorization and Independent Refund transaction. No two transactions of these types may have the same order ID.

For Refund, Completion and Purchase Correction transactions, the order ID must be the same as that of the original transaction.

The last 10 characters of the order ID are displayed in the “Invoice Number” field on the Merchant Direct Reports. However only letters, numbers and spaces are sent to Merchant Direct.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 valid characters are sent to Merchant Direct. Only the last characters beginning after any invalid characters are sent. For example, if the order ID is 1234-567890, only 567890 is sent to Merchant Direct.

If the order ID has fewer than 3 characters, it may display a blank or 0000000000 in the Invoice Number field.
Amount String 10-character decimal resPurchaseCC.setAmount(amount); Transaction amount This must contain at least 3 digits, two of which are penny values.
The minimum allowable value is $0.01, and the maximum allowable value is $9999999.99. Transaction amounts of $0.00 are not allowed.
E-Commerce indicator String 1-character alphanumeric resPurchaseCC.setCryptType(crypt);

Describes the category of e-commerce transaction being processed. Allowable values are:

  • 1 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Single
  • 2 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Recurring
  • 3 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Instalment
  • 4 - Mail Order / Telephone Order—Unknown classification
  • 5 - Authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 6 - Non-authenticated e-commerce transaction (VBV)
  • 7 - SSL-enabled merchant

In Credential on File transactions where the request field e-commerce indicator is also being sent: the allowable values for e-commerce indicator are dependent on the value sent for payment indicator, as follows: